Pineapple Quick Bread

Wondering how to save some for later (if you’ve managed not to devour it all)? Wrap it tightly in cling film or aluminum foil and store at room temperature for 2-3 days. For longer freshness, consider refrigerating it, but always let it reach room temp before serving. Want to savor the tropics during winter? Freeze slices individually and defrost as needed.

Variations & Substitutions:

Feeling adventurous? Swap out half the crushed pineapple for shredded coconut for a piña colada vibe. Not a fan of pineapple? Try canned mandarins, but remember to adjust your liquid accordingly. If you’re out of milk, coconut milk makes a fabulous tropical substitute. And for those cutting sugar, honey or maple syrup can be an alternative in the batter. Just remember to adjust the wet-to-dry ratio.

Happy baking, my tropical daydreamers! 🍍🌴😉



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