Pear and chocolate strudel: the recipe for a simple and delicious dessert

How to prepare pear and chocolate strudel

Step 1
Wash, dry and peel the pears1.
step 2
Cut them into rather thin slices2.
step 3
Collect them in a bowl, add sugar and cinnamon3and mix.
Step 4
Chop the dark chocolate with a knife, making sure to create irregular flakes4.
Step 5
Roughly chop the almonds and add them to the filling5.
Step 6
Soak the raisins in some hot water for 10 minutes6.
Step 7
Then squeeze it out and add it to the filling ingredients7.
Step 8
Melt butter in a non-stick pan, add breadcrumbs and fry while stirring8.
Step 9
Add it to the filling 9and mix well.
Step 10
Roll out the puff pastry and place the filling lengthwise in the middle. Then cut the dough at the bottom and cover the ends10.
Step 11
Then cut the sides of the dough diagonally, making sure to create even stripes11.
Step 12
Twist the strips around the strudel filling12.
Step 13
Brush everything with a little milk13and sprinkle with brown sugar.
Step 14
Bake in a preheated oven at 200 °C for about 20 minutes until golden brown. Then remove from the oven14.
Step 15
Serve the strudel in slices while still warm15.
The pear-chocolate strudel can be stored under a glass dome or in a special airtight container for at least 2-3 days .



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