Parisian: the recipe for typical Neapolitan rustic pizza

How to prepare Parisians

Step 1
Mix the flours in a bowl1.
step 2
Add the crumbled yeast2.
step 3
Pour the water3.
Step 4
Add the oil4.
Step 5
Stir briefly with a wooden spoon5.
Step 6
Finish with salt6.
Step 7
Continue kneading on the work surface until you have a smooth and homogeneous dough7.
Step 8
Place in a bowl, cover with cling film8and leave to rise in a warm place for about an hour and a half.
Step 9
After the resting time, roll out the dough with a rolling pin on a sheet of baking paper9.
Step 10
Pour the dough into the mold and spread it carefully with your hands until it covers the entire surface10.
Step 11
Cut the provola into slices11.
Step 12
Place the tomatoes in a fine-mesh sieve and let them drain for at least half an hour12.
Step 13
Crush the tomatoes with a fork13. Season with a dash of oil and a pinch of salt.
Step 14
Sprinkle the dough with the peeled tomatoes14.
Step 15
Distribute the ham slices on top15.
Step 16
Complete with the Provola slices16.
Step 17
Unroll the puff pastry roll and, if necessary, roll it out to the same size as the pan17.
Step 18
Prick the dough with the tines of a fork18.
Step 19
Transfer it to the pizza19and seal the edges well.
Step 20
Beat the egg in a bowl20.
Step 21
Add the milk21and beat well.
Step 22
Spread the resulting emulsion over the surface of the dough22.
Step 23
Bake in the oven at 200 °C for about 20 minutes, until the surface is golden brown and the pizza is well baked.23.
Step 24
After the cooking time is up, take the Parisian out of the oven and cut into squares24.
Step 25
Bring to the table and serve hot25.
The Parisian is excellent when freshly baked and is very spicy and stringy. If you have any leftovers, you can store them in the fridge for 1-2 days , covered with cling film . It can also be frozen



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