Orange upside-down cake: the recipe for the soft and spectacular citrus dessert

How to make an upside down orange cake

Step 1
Wash an organic orange thoroughly under running water, then dry it with a clean cloth and cut it into slices about 3 millimeters thick1.
step 2
Line the base of a 22 cm diameter springform pan with a sheet of baking paper, cut it to size and dust the ring with butter and flour. Brush the base with 20 grams of melted butter2 and sprinkle with a spoonful of sugar.
step 3
Arrange the orange slices neatly without overlapping them3.
Step 4
Wash and dry the remaining two oranges, then grate the peel and extract the juice4.
Step 5
Collect eggs, sugar and grated orange peel in a bowl5.
Step 6
Beat with an electric whisk at maximum speed for about 5 minutes until the mixture is swollen and foamy6.
Step 7
Gradually add the previously sifted flour and baking powder and gently mix it into the mixture with a spatula.7.
Step 8
Add the orange juice along with the flour8.
Step 9
Finally, add the butter previously melted in the microwave or in a water bath9.
Step 10
Work the dough with the spatula, making movements from bottom to top, so that it becomes homogeneous and airy.10.
Step 11
Transfer it to the mold and cover the oranges11.
Step 12
Level the surface with a spatula12 and cook in a preheated static oven at 180°C for 40 minutes. Do not open the oven door for the first 30 minutes of cooking. Do the toothpick test and leave the cake in the oven for a further 5 minutes if necessary.
Step 13
Remove the cake from the oven, let it cool for about ten minutes, then carefully turn it out onto a baking sheet and remove the baking paper from the surface.13.
Step 14
Cut into slices and enjoy the upside down orange cake14.



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