One of the best cheesecake recipes

Prepare the base of cookies and butter. Melt the butter and crush the cookies with a blender. Mix everything and put it on the bottom of the form, knead it with e.g. a glass and put it in the fridge.
Heat the cream in a pot and melt the chocolate in it. The cheese will cool down while you prepare it.

In a bowl, mix the cheese, mascarpone, powdered sugar and lemon juice until combined. Finally, add the melted chocolate in the cream. Mix the mass well and pour it onto the previously prepared base. Put it in the fridge and when it thickens, put the lemon curd on top.
It’s best to make lemon curd yourself.  and if you buy it in a store, heat it and thicken it with potato flour mixed with a little water. Also thicken the lemon curd you made yourself.
Put the dough in the fridge for approx. 4 hours.



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