No-bake Nutella cake recipe, Simply Yummy!


For the cake base:
250 g cocoa butter biscuits
40g butter
100 ml peach juice
30 g powder for making hot chocolate
For the white cream:
250g mascarpone
50g powdered sugar
250 ml whipped cream
For the brown cream:
250 ml cream
250g mascarpone
150g Nutella
For the chocolate icing:
150g chocolate
150 ml whipped cream


I made the cake in a 22cm diameter springform pan.
Finely chop the cocoa butter biscuits in the mixer, add the hot chocolate powder and add the melted butter and peach juice in portions and alternately (alternatively you can use multivitamin or apricot juice).
Press the mixture with your fingers into a 26 cm diameter baking pan lined with baking paper and chill.
Melt Nutella in a water bath. Then remove from the water bath, stir in the mascarpone and then carefully fold in the stiffly whipped cream.
Mix the mascarpone with the powdered sugar and vegetable cream (I use the vegetable cream because the cream is nice and firm) until smooth.
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