Muffin muffins: the lumberjack recipe to make them soft and delicious

Step 1
Clean mushrooms, remove the root part of the stem and cut into slices; then pour them into a non-stick pan, drizzle with extra virgin olive oil 1and bring gently to the boil. When ready, turn off the heat, let them cool and chop them with a knife.
step 2
In a separate bowl, whisk the eggs with a pinch of salt and freshly ground pepper2.
step 3
Pour in the seed oil3.
Step 4
Mix the milk and the ricotta (well drained of whey) and stir the ingredients well with a whisk4.
Step 5
Add the sifted flour and yeast5.
Step 6
Work the powders in with a spatula6.
Step 7
Finish with the chopped mushrooms and diced scamorza7 and mix thoroughly until you get a creamy and homogeneous mixture.
Step 8
Divide the prepared dough into a muffin tin lined with paper cases8 and place in the oven at 180 °C for about 20 minutes. Once the cooking time is up, take the cakes out of the oven, let them cool and then remove them from the tin.
Step 9
Arrange the mushroom muffins on a serving plate9, bring to the table and serve.
The mushroom muffins can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for a maximum of 2 days . To serve, we recommend heating them briefly in the oven at 180 °C.



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