Milka cake, this is how the addiction begins!

For the cream:

4. Mix 100 ml milk with sugar and cornstarch, mix well and reserve for later. Pour the rest of the milk (570 ml) into a saucepan. Add the white chocolate and simmer until it boils.
5. Once boiling, add the reserved mixture and continue to simmer (do not stop mixing) until the mixture thickens. If the mixture is thick (like custard), remove it from the heat and wait until it cools down a little.

6. Finally, beat the softened butter with the powdered sugar. When everything is well beaten, add the cream (do not stop beating to remove the lumps).

For the chocolate coating:
7. Melt all the ingredients in a water bath and mix well. Finally assemble the cake.

8. Place a cake on a plate. Pour half of the cream onto the cake, pour half of the chocolate coating on top, cover everything with the other sponge cake dough, pour the remaining cream over it and finally cover the cake with the other half of the chocolate shell.

9. Let it rest in the fridge for about 1 hour so that it cools down well.



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