Mashed Potato Meatballs with Chicken Liver and Onion Filling – A Savory Delicacy

Method of preparation:

Preparation of the filling :
Cut the onion into small cubes and fry it in vegetable oil for 5 minutes.
Clean the chicken liver of veins and other impurities, then add it to the pan with the onion. Roast the filling for about 15 minutes. Add spices to taste.
Boil an egg separately.

After the liver is ready, pass it together with the onion through a meat grinder. Add the boiled egg cut into small cubes to this composition and mix well.
Forming the meatballs :
Divide the potato dough into 6 equal parts and form into balls.
Flatten each ball to make thick pancakes.
Place the liver filling in the center of each pancake and seal the edges to seal the filling inside.
Frying the meatballs :
Heat sunflower oil in a pan.
Fry the meatballs on both sides for 4-5 minutes, until they turn golden.
These mashed potato patties stuffed with chicken liver and onions are delicious and perfect for any meal. Enjoy them warm, alongside a fresh salad or pickles!



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