Libum (Roman Honey Cakes)

A classic ancient Roman sacrificial honey cake

Crystal King’s debut novel, Feast of Sorrow, is epic in the true sense of the word. She creates a narrator who must live by his wits and skill (in and out of the kitchen) to survive to old age in what was a cruel and unforgiving time. Thrasius, born a slave in ancient Rome, has the luck of being bought as a teenager by the rich Marcus Gavius Apicius. It is through Thrasius’ eyes that we see all the spectacle that was Rome through four decades of decadence, opulence, gluttony and cruelty.

Apicius, Thrasius’ master, sees his destiny in life as becoming the culinary adviser to Caesar and will spend exorbitant amounts to produce the most decadent and outlandish parties to gain the attention of those in power. To say that he spares no expense would be an understatement. At his side throughout this quest is his loyal slave who becomes a friend, confidant and companion to his master. Food binds them together, for better or worse.


10 oz. ricotta cheese
1 large egg
1 1/2 oz. all-purpose flour*
2 bay leaves
1/2 c. honey


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