Lemon Raspberry Cheesecake Bites

For the crust, process cookies in food processor until crumbs. Mix in melted butter until completely combined (I just pulse a couple of times). Press into bottom of a foil lined 8inch square baking dish.
Bake crust in a 350 degree oven for 8 minutes. Remove and cool while preparing cheesecake filling.

For the filling, heat heavy cream in a double boiler over low heat. Add in white chocolate and stir continuously until chips are melted. Remove from heat and set aside.

In mixer, beat cream cheese with sugar and cornstarch until fluffy. Beat in sour cream, eggs and vanilla extract. Slowly beat in heavy cream mixture. Pour into prepared crust and bake in a 300 degree oven for 35 minutes. Turn oven off, and let cheesecake remain in oven an additional 20 minutes. Remove and cool completely. Spread lemon curd on top of cheesecake, evenly.
Refrigerate at least 3 hours.
Cut cheesecake into small bites (I cut off the edges to get a nice, clean bite). Garnish with fresh raspberries, if desired. Enjoy!

Use a double boiler for your filling mixture. If you don’t have a double boiler, use a glass or metal bowl over a saucepan.
Make sure you don’t over beat the cream cheese mixture. Over beating can cause air pockets in the cheesecake, creating cracks.
No water bath is needed for these bars since we’re topping them with lemon curd.

Use our graham cracker crust recipe instead.
Speaking of lemon curd, it is delicious. You can buy a jar of lemon curd from the store or make your own. It’s actually much easier to make than you might think!



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