Krapfen (German Jelly Donuts)

Krapfen – also called German Jelly-Filled Donuts or “Berliner” – are an amazing sweet treat. Made from a simple deep-fried dough, these filled donuts are fun to make, packed with jam, and finished off with a dusting of powdered sugar!

four round krapfen donuts with jar of jam on plate


▢2 cups all-purpose flour
▢2/3 cup milk, warm
▢1 1/2 teaspoon dry instant yeast
▢2 egg yolks from large eggs, at room temperature
▢3 tablespoons sugar
▢a pinch of salt
▢2 tablespoons butter, at room temperature
▢oil for frying
▢jam without fruit chunks for filling


Add the flour, salt, and sugar to a medium-sized mixing bowl. Stir everything together with a spoon.
Add the yeast and stir again. Then add the egg yolks and butter. Mix everything together using the spiral dough hooks of your electric mixer.
While mixing with your mixer, slowly pour in the warm (not hot!) milk and keep mixing until the dough has an elastic consistency and doesn’t stick to the sides of the bowl anymore.
Form the dough into a ball with your hands, then place it back into the bowl. Cover the bowl with a lid or dish towel and place it in a warm spot without a draft in your home. Let the dough rise for approximately 45 minutes.
Once the dough has noticeably increased in size, sprinkle some flour onto the countertop and briefly knead the dough with your hands.
Cut or rip the dough into 6 (for big donuts which is what we typically make), 8 (normal-sized), or 12 (mini-sized) pieces of equal size.
Shape the small pieces of dough into round balls, then flatten the top and the bottom slightly so that they get their typical Krapfen shape. Try to avoid as many seams as possible and have them at the bottom. This can take a bit of practice.

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