Kinder Bueno Hazelnut Slices (vegan/no-bake/gluten-free)

A biscuit base, smooth hazelnut centre all topped with dark chocolate – these hazelnut cream bars are so delicious and dreamy!

I made these copycat Kinder Bueno Bars a few weeks ago and they were a massive hit! What I love most about them is that the hazelnut cream centre is literally made up of 2 ingredients only – white chocolate and hazelnut butter! I just love recipes with few ingredients. I wanted to use that 2 ingredient hazelnut cream and incorporate it into another one of my popular recipes – these Biscoff Squares.

These hazelnut cream bars are made using healthier ingredients like oats, ground almonds and hazelnut butter. I always try to use less sugar/sweetener in my treats for 2 reasons:

To make them healthier than other treats (just because you’re having a treat, doesn’t mean it has to be all bad!).
I prefer my desserts not to be sickly sweet! (that’s why I prefer dark chocolate – the bitterness cuts through and balances out the sweetness).
Having said that, these bars are still a treat and they do contain sugar (whether that be refined or not – sugar is still sugar!), and so should be enjoyed in moderation.

If you love hazelnut and chocolate, you’ll love these hazelnut cream bars. So give them a try!

Makes – 8 bars


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