KINDER BUENO CAKE…Lick Your Fingers, You Won’t Be Able To Stop Eating


Start preparing the cream first so that it has time to cool. Pour pudding and sugar into a bowl and add a little milk. Mix until the ingredients are dissolved and there are no lumps.
Put the remaining milk on the fire. When the milk boils, briefly remove the pan and lower the temperature a little, then pour in the whipped pudding and mix. Return the pan to the heat and cook the pudding until it thickens.

Pour the cooked pudding into another container so that it cools down easier and faster and cover with transparent foil to prevent a crust from forming. Allow to cool to room temperature.
During this time, a flexible ring measuring 25×29 cm is placed on the tray. If there is no such ring, you can put the cake in a regular mold. Briefly soak the biscuits in milk and spread them on the bottom of the mold.
Melt the Eurocream (Nutella or other dark hazelnut cream) over steam or in the microwave until it becomes liquid. Spread it over the cookies and flatten. Spread another layer of biscuits on top and also briefly dip in milk.
Put the prepared base in the fridge to cool while you prepare the cream. Beat the cooled pudding with a mixer until it becomes creamy. Add mascarpone cheese and vanilla sugar and mix.
Separately, whip the sweet cream into the whipped cream, but be careful not to whip it too much, as the whipped cream will turn into butter. Stop mixing when the cream stops sliding around the bowl. Add to the whipped pudding and gently stir with a spatula to combine.
Add the ground hazelnuts and continue to beat gently until the cream is completely smooth. Spread evenly over the cookies and flatten. Put the cake in the fridge while you prepare the ganache.
Make the ganache: Heat the heavy cream over medium heat until it boils, but do not let it boil. Cover with chopped cooking chocolate. Let it stand for a minute or two, then stir until the chocolate melts and combines with the cream.
Cool a little, then pour over the cake and spread it evenly, lifting it at different angles. Put the cake in the fridge, preferably overnight, so that the cookies soften completely. After that, enjoy the wonderful taste.



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