
For the biscuit mixture, place the egg yolks, eggs, a pinch of salt and sugar in the bowl already used and beat until creamy and whitish using the beaters of the hand mixer (or food processor). Sift flour into the egg mixture in 2 portions and fold in carefully with a whisk. Pour the sponge cake mixture into the second prepared piping bag and pipe it between the meringue strips. Bake immediately in a preheated oven at 150 degrees (gas 1, fan oven 130 degrees) on the 2nd rack from the bottom for 1:10 hours. Allow to cool in the switched off oven.

For the filling, whip the cream until stiff and allow the cream setting agent to trickle in.
Use a serrated knife to straighten the edges of the cooled cake plate so that it comes away from the baking tray.

Remove the cake plate from the tray. Turn out together with the baking paper.

Grab the top corners of the baking paper and carefully peel off the baking paper from top to bottom.

Lift the cake plate back onto the tray. Using a serrated knife, cut lengthwise into 3 strips of equal width (approx. 10 cm wide) using a ruler.

Spread half of the cream on a strip and smooth it out. Keep the most beautiful plate as a lid.

Place a strip of dough on top and press lightly so that the layers hold together well.

Spread the remaining cream on top and smooth it evenly.

Cover with the remaining strip of dough. Refrigerate for at least 5 hours (preferably overnight).

It is best to cut the cake into 4 cm wide pieces using a ruler with a serrated knife, but do not press it. Serve dusted with powdered sugar.



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