I personally prefer a quick summer ice cream dessert.

Hello, dear fans! Today I have the greatest pleasure to present to you an adorable summer treat that embodies the enchanting essence of ice cream. Get ready for the ultimate dessert fit for royalty: our flawless chocolate princess dessert.
This dessert recipe is easy to make and incredibly light. Be sure to save this recipe for a full-sized sweet dessert in your collection of culinary delights.
Let’s now explore the process of making this adorable summer ice cream flavored dessert, as well as the basic ingredients needed to make it.
To prepare sweet summer desserts with ice cream flavor, you will need a combination of ingredients including 2.5 cups of milk and one package of chocolate pudding.
For a delicious treat, mix 1 liter of milk, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1/2 cup of powdered sugar, 3 tablespoons of starch, 1 package of vanilla and 1 teaspoon of butter.
Discover the art of creating sweet summer desserts that taste like ice cream.
Mix the milk and pudding in a pot suitable for the task and, stirring constantly, let it boil and thicken. Moisten the inside of the mold with water and fill it with the prepared pudding. We should be patient while waiting for the cooling process.
Combine milk, semolina, sugar and starch in a separate bowl, mixing well. Heat the mixture over medium heat, stirring constantly, until it boils and thickens. Add the butter and vanilla extract to the mixture, ensuring proper mixing.
After pouring the mixture on the pudding, it is recommended to leave it in the refrigerator for 3 to 4 hours.
Remove the mold, cut into slices and serve.
May fortune favor those who dare to try.

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