HONEY DESSERT: A treat that knocks you off your feet


– 1 liter of milk
– 1 cup of 2.5 dl Gussnel Dolcela (thickness)
– 1.5 cups of sugar
– 5 spoons of Dolcela cocoa powder
– 5o g of butter
– 3 spoons of honey
– 1 piece of Bourbon vanilla sugar
– about 30 pieces of chocolate biscuit


In a large bowl, mix the thickener, sugar, cocoa and vanilla sugar.
Heat the milk until it is lukewarm, pour a little at a time into the mixture with the thickening and beat, put it to cook with constant stirring with a wire until it thickens.
Add the hot butter and honey and stir to melt.
In a mold 30 x 10 cm lined with foil, pour the hot mixture, leave 34 spoons, put the biscuit

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