Honey and Toffee Cookies


Kolasnittar, also known as toffee cookies, have gained popularity in Sweden for their delicious taste and simple preparation. These delightful treats can be made in just about 30 minutes, allowing you to enjoy your very own batch of Swedish toffee/honey cookies in no time.

The Honey Substitution

Traditionally, these cookies are made using “Ljus Sirap,” a golden syrup that lends a distinct caramel flavor. However, in some parts of the world where golden syrup may be harder to find, you can easily substitute it with honey, resulting in equally scrumptious cookies.

Honey and Toffee Cookies

Light Syrup: The Swedish Golden Syrup

“Ljus Sirap,” which is a Swedish term that translates to “Light Syrup” in English, is a type of golden syrup commonly used in Swedish baking and cooking. Notably, Ljus Sirap adds a rich sweetness and a hint of caramel flavor to dishes, thereby contributing to their unique taste and texture.



A Delightful Texture and Flavor

The texture of Kolasnittar is a delightful contrast, with a crispy outer layer and a chewy interior. Surprisingly, when made with honey, the cookies develop a lovely honey flavor that adds a unique twist to the classic caramel taste found in syrup-based versions.

Honey and Toffee Cookies

The Choice is Yours

If you have access to both Swedish “Ljus Sirap” or Golden Syrup and honey, I encourage you to try making separate batches of cookies using each sweetener. This allows you to compare and discover your personal preference. Personally, I must admit that I have developed a strong affinity for the honey cookies. Furthermore, they bring a delightful sweetness that complements the other flavors perfectly.

Honey and Toffee Cookies

How to make Honey / Toffee Cookies

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