Homemade Yogurt Fruit Cake – A treat, a simple and delicious recipe in pictures

The fruit and yogurt cake is very tasty. I prepared it last week when my parents came to visit and it was eaten immediately. There is no slice left…

Ingredients for the top:

6 eggs, 160 gr of sugar
5 tablespoons of wheat flour
5 tablespoons of potato flour
1 teaspoon of baking powder, 2 tablespoons of cocoa
Ingredients for the syrup:
1 glass of vodka
1 teaspoon lemon essence
A sugar rush
Juice from half a lemon
Ingredients for the cream:
2 lemon jellies
500 gr natural yogurt
2 packets of whipped cream
Ingredients for decoration:
100 gr of butter
3 spoons of sugar, 3 spoons of cocoa
Kiwi, 100 grapes
1 tangerine, 2 bananas
1 white chocolate, 100 gr cocoa biscuits
Little paws

Method of preparation:

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