Homemade thick yogurt with only 2 ingredients – Better than store-bought

If you divide the milk into several containers, add a teaspoon of the mixture to each container. Place the strainer over the milk and wrap the milk in a tablecloth or towel, keeping the top open. This is done so that the steam can escape, otherwise the yogurt would become soggy. Cover the entire yogurt with a towel.
So, one towel goes under the yogurt, one towel goes around the yogurt, and the other towel covers the entire yogurt. I make yogurt at 12:00 and put it in the fridge at 8:00.
When the yogurt stays in the fridge day and night, you will get a very tasty and thick homemade yogurt, which will save you from buying ready-made yogurt.
You can make various soups and side dishes from it, and your baby will also like it. As happy as my son, who likes yogurt the most. As the milk cools, the cream will stick to it. I always take it off because we don’t like it. You can leave it if you want, but when you add the yogurt, move it back a bit so you can mix the yogurt into the milk.



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