Homemade Fig Newtons Recipe

A 4-image collage showing the prepping of dried figs for fig newton filling: snipping off the stem, cutting the figs in half and blending them in a food processor.


Bake until the bars are puffed and firm, without any significant browning, about 18 minutes. Immediately cut into 1-inch pieces with a bench scraper, then transfer to an airtight container, with a paper towel between each layer and on top. This will steam the cookies and retain moisture for them to reabsorb, creating a uniquely soft and cakey texture. Cover and “mature” for at least 6 hours before serving; prior to that, the cookies will taste dry. Store for up to 1 week at room temperature or up to a month in the fridge.


Special Equipment

Stand mixer, flexible spatula, food processor, rolling pin, offset spatula, half-sheet pan, large pastry bag, 1/2-inch round tip


This recipe works best with an all-purpose flour made from a blend of hard red and soft white wheat, such as bleached Gold Medal.



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