Homemade Banana Cream Pie

Whipped Cream

Add heavy cream to a bowl and beat with a hand mixer. When close to the consistency you want, add confectioners sugar and vanilla to taste and continue beating until you have medium but not stiff peaks, about 2-3 minutes.
Slice 3 bananas into cooked crust and top with filling. Top with whipped cream.

A Fully baked homemade pie crust.

Barbara’s Tips + Notes

This recipe makes enough pie crust for 2 pies, freeze the second one for another use.
Use firm bananas with just a few brown speckles on the peels.
Make sure you allow your custard/pudding to firm up on the stove while cooking to avoid it being a runny cream pie. It will set a little after you refrigerate it but it needs to cook to thickness first.
Add slices of bananas to the top for more banana flavor.
Try topping with whipped cream.



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