Here is my new pastry flan recipe: chocolate flan .

From the first bite, I felt extraordinary sensations! This chocolate flan is really melting and creamy! Is it sweet on the palate?

This recipe is a pure creation on my part. I advise you, like me, to leave your flan in the fridge overnight. This will allow it to set completely and hold better. This will make cutting easier for you. Does this recipe tempt you?

My little tip:

It is not easy to darken a cake pan. So I’ll give you my tip! Cut the dough in half then place half of the shortcrust pastry in the bottom of the mold and place the second piece. Finish by sealing the two doughs well so that the filling does not escape.



1 liter of milk
70 g of cornstarch
300 g of dark chocolate
1 tsp liquid vanilla
200 g of whole liquid cream

4 eggs
170 g of brown sugar
1 puff pastry ready to roll out


Unroll the dough. To help you darken the cake pan, I invite you to cut it in half.
Place the dough in a buttered mold 18 cm in diameter then place the other piece of dough. Then, you weld the pasta together and you have to cut off the excess pasta that overflows. Store in the freezer while you prepare the cream.

Heat the milk and full cream.

Meanwhile, whisk the eggs with the sugar and the liquid vanilla then add the cornstarch.

Pour a first part of hot milk over the egg mixture while mixing then add the remaining milk and transfer everything into the saucepan.


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