Fish couscous: the Trapani recipe with almonds and saffron

How to prepare fish couscous

Step 1

Clean the shrimp by removing the head, the shell and the dark intestinal thread. Fillet the mullet and remove the head and bones. Prepare the broth: Place the shrimp shells and fish scraps in a saucepan. Add the white wine 1.
step 2
Add the parsley and then pour in the water 2.
step 3
Finally, add the carrots, celery and onions, clean and cut into 3 pieces. Bring to the boil and cook over low heat for about 40 minutes.
Step 4
In the meantime, rinse the mussels and remove any broken ones.
Step 5
Once the shells open, place them in a pan with a lid and cook for 3-4 minutes 5.
Step 6
Filter their liquid 6 and keep it aside. Peel almost all the mussels, leaving some of them in the shell for final decoration.
Step 7
Clean the mussels by scraping the outer shell and removing the beard. Open them in the pan and cook for 2-3 minutes after opening the shells 7.
Step 8
Filter their liquid 8 and keep it aside. Peel almost all of them and leave some of them in the shell to finally decorate the dish.
Step 9
When the broth is ready, filter it through a sieve 9.
Step 10
Pour the mussel liquid 10 into the pot.
Step 11
Add the mussels 11.
Step 12
Melt the tomato paste in it for 12 minutes.
Step 13
Then add the saffron and paprika powder. 13. Keep the broth warm.
Step 14
In a large pan, fry the chopped onion with a little oil.
Step 15
Add the squid and cut into 15 cm slices.
Step 16
Fry briefly over high heat 16.
Step 17
Add a few ladles of broth 17 and cook for about 40 minutes until tender.
Step 18
In the meantime, put the couscous in a pan and add the hot but not boiling stock to swell it. 18. Cover with the lid and let it rest for 5 minutes.
Step 19
When the calamari is cooked, the sauce is also reduced by 19.
Step 20
Now arrange the 20 fish fillets.
Step 21
Sprinkle with almond flour, season with salt and cook for another 5-6 minutes.
Step 22
A few minutes before the end of cooking, add the peeled prawns 22.
Step 23
Add the mussels 23.
Step 24
And then the mussels 24.
Step 25
Perfume everything with freshly chopped parsley 25.
Step 26
Fluff the couscous with a fork and season with a little oil and a pinch of salt, then spread on a serving plate and add the fish soup 26.
Step 27
The fish couscous is ready to serve 27.
Fish couscous can be stored in a special airtight container in the refrigerator for a day, but it is better to consume it immediately. Freezing is not recommended.



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