fen donuts filled with cream cheese and chocolate

Oven donuts filled with cream cheese and chocolate: A simple, tempting recipe for sweet moments. Perfect for tea parties and special occasions!


400g flour ​
1 pack of dry yeast
220 ml lukewarm milk
1 pinch of salt
80g sugar​
2 egg yolks
50 g soft butter


Dissolve the yeast in the lukewarm milk, then add the remaining ingredients except the butter and knead for a few minutes. Then gradually add the butter and knead for 10 minutes to form a smooth dough. 1 H. Leave to rest covered. Form 13 balls and let them stir for another 5 minutes. Now press it flat with

your hands into a small, not too thin flat cake. Cover and let rest for another 20 minutes and press the bottom of the flatbread into the middle of the flatbread using a suitable glass.
1/2 cream cheese
A few drops of lemon juice

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