Eccles Cakes

Heat the oven to 375°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Take a third of the the puff pastry dough from the fridge. It should be very cold and firm, but not hard. Roll it out to a thickness of about 1/8-inch.
Cut small circles – I used a biscuit cutter that gave me four-inch circles. You could do larger, but I wanted a lot of individual pastries. Put a small dollop of filling (about 1 teaspoon) in the center of each dough circle.
Fold in half, like a potsticker dumpling, and seal the edges with your fingers. Now bring the two pointy edges up and fold them in the center, on the curved seam. Flatten out the little pouch with your fingers, and roll it into a small circle – just thin enough that the filling shows through the dough a little. Try not to let it leak out, though. Make two or three shallow slashes in the top of the finished round cake.
Brush with beaten egg, and sprinkle with sugar. (Note: I think that my pastry dough was pretty warm by this point, from all the handling and rolling. I didn’t try this at the time, but in the future I think I would put the finished, unbaked pans of cakes in the fridge or freezer to let them chill again – maybe for an hour. This would make a higher, lighter pastry.)
Bake for about 20 minutes, or until golden brown and puffy. Try not to eat one immediately – the hot raisin filling will scorch your mouth – believe me, I know. These are amazingly good even a few days later.



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