Donuts, Glazed or Filled

Cut with floured donut cutter. Let the donuts rise about an hour or until they double in size.
Fry in canola or sunflower oil (350 degrees) about 2 minutes per side or until brown.
Turn only once or the doughnuts will soak up too much oil.

Drain on a wire rack. Cool completely before attempting to glaze or fill the donuts.
Fill donuts with partridgeberry/apple jam using a piping bag or dip in glaze or shake in a bag of cinnamon sugar.

For the vanilla glaze
Simply stir all of the ingredients in the glaze together until smooth,
Add a little more milk to the glaze if you prefer it thinner for a less sweet donut.

For the chocolate glaze.
In medium saucepan and heat over medium-low heat combine the butter, milk, corn syrup, and vanilla until butter is melted.
Turn off the heat and add chocolate chips stirring until the chocolate is melted.
Add the icing sugar and whisk until smooth. If you are glazing a lot of doughnuts you may need to keep the glaze warm in the top of a double boiler.
Let the glaze set up for 30 minutes before serving.



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