Discover Sweet Cottage Cheese Cake – Delicious and Very Easy to Prepare

Method of preparation:

Sift the flour together with the baking powder and incorporate them into the egg and cream mixture. The dough should be thick, but homogeneous.
Add the vegetable oil and mix again.

Preparation of the filling:
In another bowl, combine the cottage cheese, eggs and sugar.
Add vanilla essence or vanilla sugar and mix well. Adjust the amount of sugar according to your preference.
Use a blender to obtain a smooth and homogeneous composition.
Add the semolina and mix well.
Assembling the Cake:
Grease a 22 cm diameter removable baking tray with oil and line the bottom with baking paper.
Pour the batter into the tray and level it.
Place the cottage cheese filling in the center of the dough. The filling will spread evenly during baking.
Preheat the oven to 170°C and bake the cake for about 1 hour.
After 45 minutes, cover the cake with aluminum foil to avoid burning and bake for another 15 minutes.
Allow the cake to cool completely to allow the filling to set.
Enjoy a Delicious Cottage Cheese Cake
This cottage cheese cake is ideal for dessert or a snack, being easy to prepare and using affordable ingredients. Perfect to impress family and friends with a tasty and aromatic dessert!



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