Delecious Chocolate Cake Recipe


Prepare the Batter:

Beat 5 eggs with a pinch of salt.
Gradually add 100 grams of sugar, continue beating until firm peaks form.
The mixture should lighten in color and increase in volume.
Add Dry Ingredients:

Gently fold in 80 grams of flour, 60 grams of cocoa powder, and vanilline.
Bake the Cake:

Pour the batter into a 20 cm cake mold.
Bake at 180°C (350°F) for 30-35 minutes.
Check doneness with a skewer; it should come out dry and clean.
Remove from the mold and let cool.
Prepare the Icing:

Melt 200 grams of chocolate with a bit of cream.
Stir gently and refrigerate.
Make the Cream:

Whip 200 grams of cold cream.
Add 100 grams of cream cheese and the chilled chocolate icing.
Mix until well combined.
Assemble the Cake:

Divide the cake into three layers.
Spread the cream between each layer and on top.

Refrigerate the cake for 4 hours.

Melt 100 grams of chocolate with 50 grams of butter.
Mix in 100 grams of roasted and chopped nuts.
Decorate the cake with this mixture.



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