Danube Waves Cake with Peach

Now place the well-drained peaches, evenly distributed around the edge, on the dough, slightly pressed in, then fill the middle and, prepared in this way, insert the Danube wave base into the middle of the oven preheated to 175 ° C and with top/bottom heat at about 40 – 45 Bake slowly for minutes.
Cover the cake with baking paper in the last 10 minutes of the baking time and finish baking in this way.

Allow the Danube Wave Peach Base to cool on a wire rack for a good 10 minutes, then carefully remove it from the mold and allow it to cool completely. Then let it rest, well covered, until ready.
It’s best if you bake the Danube wave base the day before, as the cake base has time to set during this resting time and thus becomes nice and juicy.

For the buttercream:
Pour 450 ml cold milk into a saucepan.
Mix dry vanilla pudding powder with sugar in a bowl and mix the pudding powder with a few tablespoons of cold milk taken from the saucepan.
Bring the remaining milk to the boil once and pull the saucepan to the side.

Stir the pudding powder well again and immediately add it to the hot milk while stirring.
Put the saucepan back on the stove and bring the pudding to the boil while stirring.
Pour the hot pudding into a bowl, cover tightly with cling film and let it cool down first in the kitchen and then in the fridge.

To prepare the buttercream:
Butter and pudding should be at about the same temperature.
To do this, take the butter and pudding out of the refrigerator in good time and let them stand at room temperature for about 30 minutes.

Then, for a lighter buttercream, stir 125 g butter until fluffy, gradually stir in 1 tablespoon of pudding at a time until all the pudding is used up.
For a stronger buttercream, use more butter (up to 200g).

Now spread this buttercream generously on the top of the Peach Danube Wave, first stretching an adjustable cake ring all around, as the cake will already increase in height a little.
Place the Danube Wave Cake, spread with butter cream, in the refrigerator for several hours.

For the cocoa icing or couverture icing:
Mix the cocoa with dry powdered sugar and sieve through a sieve into a bowl underneath.
First mix with 2 tablespoons of hot water to form a cocoa icing, stirring until the powdered sugar has dissolved well, adding the 3rd tablespoon of water as necessary.

Finally, stir the melted, slightly cooled butter thoroughly into the icing and quickly pour the entire icing onto the middle top of the cold Danube wave cake and quickly spread it towards the edge.
Before the cocoa icing completely solidifies, lightly cut the cake into 12 cake pieces and always store in a cool place until serving.

If using couverture, dissolve it in a bowl in a water bath, stir in the melted butter and pour it over the Danube wave cake and smooth it out.


Instead of peach halves, you can also use preserved apricots.
If you don’t have enough time, you can make a good buttercream quickly and easily if you use a ready-made vanilla flavored cake cream powder mix instead of the boiled vanilla pudding, which is available from the baking ingredients in the supermarket.
This is whipped together with cold milk and soft butter to form a buttercream and is immediately ready for filling.

Nutritional information:

With 12 pieces of Donauwelle cake with peach, 1 piece of cake contains approx. 380 kcal and approx. 19 g of fat



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