Custard Tart: Tradition & Delight

The art of French pastry is recognized worldwide for its finesse, elegance and delicate flavors. Among the timeless classics, the pastry cream tart occupies a special place. This dessert, combining the sweetness of a creamy cream with the crispy texture of a shortcrust pastry, promises a moment of pure taste pleasure. Making this tart requires precision and attention, but the result is worth it. Follow this step-by-step guide to make your pastry cream tart a success.

The base of our tart, the shortcrust pastry, must be both crispy and crumbly, able to generously accommodate the pastry cream without soaking it. The preparation begins by mixing the eggs and sugar, beaten together until they obtain a foamy consistency. The addition of a hint of vanilla extract and olive oil brings an

interesting aromatic dimension, while ensuring the dough has a soft and malleable texture. The flour and baking powder, carefully sieved, are then incorporated to form a homogeneous dough.

Once the dough is ready, a crucial step is to press it into the mold. This operation, far from being trivial, requires a certain amount of know-how. It is important to spread the dough evenly, making sure that the

edges are thick enough to withstand the tenderness of the cream. The small portion of dough set aside will later be used to create a pretty decorative lattice, thus adding a final aesthetic touch to our tart.

The pastry cream, the soft and creamy heart of our tart, is the result of a delicate alchemy between eggs, sugar, cornstarch and milk, flavored with a hint of vanilla. The secret lies in cooking over low heat, stirring constantly to obtain a smooth cream without lumps. When the cream coats the spoon and its bubbles burst lazily on the surface, it is ready to be removed from the heat.

Assembly is the final step where all the elements come together harmoniously. The pastry cream, still warm, is carefully poured onto the tart base. The strips of dough, carefully rolled out and cut, are arranged in a lattice, sealing the cream in its golden casing. A light pressure on the edges with a fork ensures closure and adds a delicate decorative pattern.

Baking transforms our work into a culinary work of art. The dough takes on a golden and crispy hue, while the cream sets gently, creating a harmony of textures and flavors. Once removed from the oven and cooled, a

light shower of icing sugar crowns the tart, giving it a look that is as delightful as it is delicious. This pastry cream tart is just waiting to be shared and savored, promising a moment of pastry happiness.

Ingredients :

For the shortcrust pastry:

2 eggs
80 g sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
120 ml olive oil
340 g of type 00 flour
10 g baking powder
For the pastry cream:

2 eggs
500 ml of milk
60 g sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
60 g cornstarch
Icing sugar for finishing

Preparation :

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