Cubes with raspberries and white chocolate

Making of:

First prepare the milk filling. Pour the gelatin into a pot or a small pot and cover with 4 tablespoons of water. Let it swell while you cook the filling. Separate 1 dl from the total amount of milk, pour the rest into a suitable pan and heat it on the stove.

Mix the pudding, sugar and egg yolks with 1 dl of milk and boil the mixture in hot milk (first add part of the heated milk to the container with the pudding and egg yolks, then pour everything into the remaining milk on the stove)…stir well so that there are no lumps.

Remove from fire. Immediately add the broken chocolate and stir until all the chocolate melts. Dissolve the gelatin at the lowest temperature and add to the hot cream and mix everything well. Add cold milleram and again πŸ™‚ mix everything well. Cover the surface of the cream with transparent film and leave to cool in the fridge.

Prepare a square tray measuring 34x24cm (or something similar with the same surface), coat only the bottom with fat and stick baking paper.
Turn on the oven at 180 degrees to heat it up. Add a little salt to the egg whites and mix, then add sugar and beat to get a stiff foam. Sieve the powdery ingredients and add them to the soup and gently mix by hand with a spatula. Add vinegar, rum and finally mix in the oil in a light stream. Pour the mixture into a baking tray and bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes (adjust the temperature and length of baking to your oven). When the biscuit has cooled, prick it with a toothpick in several places and lightly brush it with sweetened milk.

Mash the raspberries with a fork and put them to heat on a medium heat. Mix the thickener and sugar (adjust the amount of sugar to your taste) with a little water and bring the fruit cream to a boil. Add butter to the still warm mixture and mix.
– If you are not a fan of raspberry pods, pass the mixture through a strainer before boiling!
Spread the fruit filling over the biscuit and level it.

Final layer:
When the milk filling has cooled, whip 400 ml of whipping cream (sweeten the milk cream to taste) and separate 5 spoons and add to the milk filling and mix well. Spread the milk filling over the fruit filling and smooth it, then spread it with whipped cream and spread fresh raspberries over it (you can also add raspberries when serving).

Leave the cake to cool for 5-6 hours, preferably overnight. Carefully cut the cubes to the desired size (after each cut, wipe the knife with a paper towel and then immerse it in hot water in order to have neat cuts…use the thinnest, sharpest knife for cutting).



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