Crumbled potatoes: the recipe for a quick and delicious flan

How to prepare crumbled potatoes

Step 1
Boil the potatoes in plenty of unsalted water until tender when pierced with a fork. This will take about 40 minutes. Allow to cool and remove the skin1.
step 2
Meanwhile, fry half a chopped onion in a pan with extra virgin olive oil; remove the sausage casing, cut it into small pieces and add it to the sauce2. Fry the sausage for a few minutes, stirring constantly, until well cooked and crispy.
step 3
Place the potatoes in a large bowl and mash them with a fork or potato masher3.
Step 4
Add salt and egg4.
Step 5
Grate nutmeg with a little grater5.
Step 6
Season with grated Parmesan6, add the flour and mix well until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
Step 7
Grease the bottom and sides of a springform pan about 20 centimeters in diameter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Cover the bottom and sides with the potato mixture, compacting it with the back of a spoon7leaving a little of the covering mixture aside.
Step 8
Distribute the sausage and onion filling8.
Step 9
Also arrange the provola previously cut into cubes9.
Step 10
Cover everything with the remaining dough, take large pieces and place them on the surface10.
Step 11
Finally, sprinkle some breadcrumbs, a pinch of pepper and a few flakes of butter on top11.
Step 12
Bake the crumbled potatoes in a preheated oven at 200°C for 35 minutes, until a crispy, golden crust forms12. Allow the crumbles to rest for at least 30 minutes before removing from the oven to allow the layers to set.
Step 13
Your potato crumble is ready to enjoy13.
If you want, you can replace the 00 flour with rice flour to obtain a variant that is also suitable for celiacs and gluten intolerants, and season with aromatic herbs. The crumbled mixture also proves to be a practical idea to empty the fridge : you can vary the filling as you like by adding well-drained mozzarella, Emmental, B.
Provola or another stretched curd, or refine it with additional ingredients such as mushroom eggplant, pumpkin in a pan for a variant with autumnal overtones or another seasonal vegetable.
The crumbled potatoes can be stored well closed in an airtight container in the fridge,



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