Croque-Madame Tart Recipe

Preparing the Tart Base: Start by flattening the slices of sandwich bread with a rolling pin to make them more malleable. Lightly butter a pie dish and line it with 10 slices of sandwich bread, overlapping them to cover the entire bottom and sides of the dish.

First Layer: On this first layer of bread, spread 4 slices of ham, then 7-8 slices of Emmental. Cover everything with half of the béchamel.

Second Layer: Repeat with 10 more slices of sandwich bread, the remaining ham, Emmental and béchamel.
Top Layer: Cover with the last 10 slices of sandwich bread. Use a glass to carefully cut 6 circles from the top layer of the pie, being careful not to cut through the bottom layers.
Adding the Eggs: Gently crack an egg into each hole. Sprinkle with grated mozzarella.

Cooking: Preheat your oven to 180°C. Bake the tart for 20 minutes, or until the eggs are cooked to your liking and the mozzarella is golden brown.
Finishing: When removed from the oven, sprinkle with chopped fresh parsley. Cut the tart into slices and serve hot.

Advice :

For a richer béchamel, you can add a little grated nutmeg.
Be careful not to overcook the eggs, they should remain slightly runny for an optimal texture.
This tart is best eaten straight out of the oven, to appreciate the melted mozzarella and perfectly cooked eggs.



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