Creamy roll with raspberries

A great refreshing treat with soft and elastic cocoa biscuit, raspberry jelly with lemon sugar and mascarpone cheese and white chocolate filling.

It’s great for warmer days. Depending on the type of cheese and whipped cream you use, the filling can be thinner. In this case, add 5 g of ground gelatin prepared according to the instructions on the package to the filling…

Required ingredients:

Sponge cake:
– 5 eggs (M size)
– 200 g sugar
– 100 ml liquid yogurt (room temperature)
– 100 ml oil (sunflower)
– 120 g flour (soft, smooth)
– 1 bag of Dr. Oetker baking powder
– 20 g Dr. Oetker cocoa for cakes

Raspberry jelly:
– 300 g of raspberries (frozen or fresh)
– 100 ml of water
– 100 g of sugar
– 2 bags of Dr. Oetker lemon sugar
– 45 g Dr. Oetker density

– 100 g of white chocolate (for eating and cooking)
– 300 g of mascarpone cheese (room temp.)
– 1 bag of Dr. Oetker lemon sugar
– 100 ml whipping cream (cold)
– 2 spoons of sugar

Making of:


Prepare a 42×32 cm baking sheet (or similar surface). Lubricate with fat and stick baking paper to the bottom.
Turn on the oven at 150 Β°C to heat it up.

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