Comté Tart: A Tasty Aperitif from the Jura

1. Shortcrust pastry:

In a bowl, mix 200g of flour and 2g of fine salt. Add 90g of softened butter and rub the mixture between your hands.
Add 50g of very cold water and mix without working the dough too much.
Roll out the dough to a thickness of 4mm, sprinkle with fresh thyme, and wrap it around the rolling pin.
Roll out the dough into a 24cm circle on a perforated baking sheet lined with baking paper. Mark the corners carefully and cut off the excess dough.
2. Preparation of the quiche mixture:

In a salad bowl, beat 5 eggs with 150g of milk, 40g of yellow wine, 2g of salt, and pepper.
Grate 220g of Comté and set aside.

3. Assembly:

Spread 25g of mustard on the bottom of the tart.
Sprinkle with grated Comté cheese.
Whip the quiche mixture again and pour it over the cheese.
4. Cooking:

Preheat the oven to 160°C fan-assisted.
Bake the pie for about 45 minutes.
5. Service:

Serve the tart hot or warm to appreciate its soft texture and aromas.
Advice :

To prevent the dough from shrinking, use a perforated tart ring and do not overwork the dough.
A 45-minute resting time in the freezer after pressing the circle will give you a well-held dough.
If you don’t use wine, the tart will still be delicious with a good Comté.
This Comté tart, inspired by François-Régis Gaudry and Anne Houillon-Overnoy, is a celebration of the flavors of the Jura. It is perfect for an aperitif or as a main course accompanied by a salad. Enjoy your meal!



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