Coconut and cocoa balls: the recipe for simple and delicious candies without cooking

How to prepare coconut and cocoa balls

Step 1
Put the coconut flakes in a bowl1.
step 2
Add the sugar2.
step 3
Add the bitter cocoa3.
Step 4
Mix the powders4.
Step 5
Pour in soy milk5.
Step 6
Mix well with a spoon6until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.
Step 7
Take small portions of dough and form lots of 15g balls. Once ready, place them on a plate7.
Step 8
Roll the balls in coconut flakes8.
Step 9
Place them on a serving plate9and let them cool in the refrigerator for about 1 hour.
Step 10
After the resting time, bring the coconut and cocoa balls to the table10 and serve.
The coconut and cocoa balls can be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for a maximum of 2-3 days .



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