Chocolate shortcrust pastry plait (La Tresse Au Chocolat): the easy to prepare but really delicious dessert!


1 roll of puff pastry
1 bar of dark chocolate
Egg wash
Chopped hazelnuts
This is how the chocolate bar is made from pastries
Preheat the oven to 190°C. Roll out a sheet of puff pastry and place a bar of dark chocolate in the middle.
step 2
Use a thin knife to cut slits into both sides of the puff pastry sheet.
step 3
Fold the top and bottom pieces of dough over.
Step 4
Fold the remaining pieces of dough over the chocolate bar to form a braid. This should completely cover the chocolate bar.
Step 5
Brush the dough with egg yolk and sprinkle with hazelnuts.
Step 6
Bake for 20 minutes until the dough is golden brown and baked through.



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