Chocolate cake with strawberry buttercream

1 bag of pudding powder, vanilla flavor
250 g butter, soft


Clean the strawberries, cut them into pieces and puree them.
Put the puree, sugar and pudding powder in a pot, mix well and then bring to the boil, stirring constantly. Bring to the boil briefly and set aside.
Let the pudding cool to room temperature.

Pudding and butter must be at approximately the same temperature before further processing. I put the butter next to the slightly cooled pot with the strawberry pudding and wait a few hours until the buttercream is prepared. The butter should be nice and soft so that it can be whipped until creamy.
First stir the softened butter until it is very creamy and then add the pudding spoon by spoon. After each spoonful of strawberry pudding, mix it well.
Cut the base once and fill it with half of the cream. Garnish with the second half of the cream if desired.



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