Chocolate buns: the recipe for a soft and delicious dessert

How to prepare the chocolate roll:

Step 3
Using a fine sieve, sift the bitter cocoa with the 00 flour and a pinch of salt, then add to the remaining ingredients and continue stirring.
Step 4
Line a rectangular mold of about 35 x 26 centimeters with a sheet of baking paper. Spread the mixture and smooth it well with a spatula until you get a uniform rectangle, not too thin. Cook in a static oven at 200 °C for 8 minutes.
Step 5
Remove the cookie dough from the oven, immediately turn it out onto a layer of parchment paper and carefully remove the baking sheet you used to bake it.
Step 6
Roll up the cookie dough from the shortest side, wrap it in baking paper and let it cool for at least 1 hour. This operation is essential: if the cookie dough is folded when it is cold, there is a risk that it will break or crumble.
Step 7
In the meantime, whip the already sweetened crème fraîche, add the mascarpone and vanilla extract and mix everything with a whisk.
Step 8
Once the necessary time has passed, roll out the cookie dough, fill it with mascarpone cream and smooth the filling with a spatula.
Step 9
Re-wrap the filled roll and place it in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.
Step 10
Place the roll on a rack, place it on a deep plate and pour the melted chocolate in the microwave or in a bain-marie
until it is completely covered; decorate with chocolate chips and place in the fridge for at least 1 hour until the wrapper is well solidified. Once ready, trim the edges of the roll by cutting off the excess and transfer it to a tray with a spatula.
Step 11
Enjoy your delicious chocolate bun
The chocolate roll can be stored in the refrigerator, wrapped in cling film or in an airtight container, for up to 2 days.



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