Chocolate Arrowroot Cookie Squares


For the base

First break up the Arrowroot cookies into small pieces about the size of a postage stamp or smaller.
In a medium saucepan combine the cocoa, sugar, melted butter, vanilla, salt and beaten eggs.
Place on medium low heat and cook, scraping the bottom of the pot constantly until mixture resembles soft scrambled eggs. You want to make sure that the eggs are thoroughly cooked but not completely dried out.
Add the broken Arrowroot cookies, mix well to combine together and press into the bottom of a greased or parchment lined 9×9 inch square baking dish.
Set in fridge to cool for about 20 minutes.

Chocolate Arrowroot Cookie Squares

For the chocolate middle layer

While the base is cooling prepare the chocolate middle layer by mixing together all of the ingredients for the chocolate middle layer. Beat together very well until smooth and fluffy and spread evenly over the prepared base.
If serving these right away, you can top them with Vanilla Whipped Cream and chocolate shavings. If you plan on freezing these, use a commercial whipped topping such as Rich’s or Nutriwhip because it holds up better to freezing. The 8 fl oz size will do.

For the Vanilla Whipped Cream

Combine the whipping cream icing sugar and vanilla in a small bowl and whip to firm peaks.



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