Chocolate Angel Food Cake with Nutella Ganache Sauce

Bake at 350 degrees for 50 -60 minutes or until the cake springs back to the touch at the center. Angel-food cake needs to be cooled in the pan upside down. You can use a soda bottle in the center of the tube pan to keep the surface of the cake off the counter top or you can stack cookbooks 10 inches

apart and let the edges of the pan rest on the books. This step is important so that the cake does not fall after baking.
When completely cooled, run a sharp knife around the outer edge and around the center post of the tube pan and gently shake the cake out of the pan onto a serving plate. Serve with warm Nutella Ganache Sauce and a garnish of freshly toasted chopped hazelnuts.

To make the Nutella Ganache Sauce
Simply melt together the whipping cream, chocolate chips and Nutella over low heat or in a double boiler until smooth.
Serve warm over the cake. This also makes a terrific sundae topping.

Toasted hazelnuts make a terrific garnish for serving this cake, while giving it extra flavour and a great textural crunch. Simply roast them on a cookie sheet for about 10 minutes in a preheated 350 degrees F oven.

If the skins are still on the hazelnuts when you roast them, remove the skins by rolling the nuts in a folded tea towel. Add the nuts to one half of the towel, fold over and roll the nuts inside using your palms.



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