Cheesecake with bounty coconut

We grind the cookies together with butter. Place on the bottom of a cake tin (I use a silicone one with a glass bottom) with a diameter of 24 cm. and press lightly. Place in the fridge while preparing the mass.
Heat the coconut milk, then add the coconut flakes and cook over low heat for about 10-15 minutes. Remove from heat and add white chocolate, stir until completely melted.

Dissolve the gelatin in hot water and leave to cool completely.
Mix the cottage cheese with sifted powdered sugar, vanilla extract and add the cooled coconut mass a spoonful at a time. Finally, add the liqueur and, while mixing, slowly add the gelatin. Place it on the cooled base and put it in the fridge.
Heat cocoa, butter, powdered sugar and cream until the ingredients dissolve. Dissolve gelatin in hot water and add to the mass. Mix the icing thoroughly. Pour the slightly thickening glaze on top of the cheesecake and sprinkle with coconut flakes. Place in the fridge again for about 30 minutes until the icing hardens. We cut into pieces.



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