Delicious nut cake grandmother’s recipe

Ingredients: For the dough: 200g sugar 10 egg yolks 250 g nuts, ground 3 tbsp breadcrumbs some bitter almond aroma 10 egg whites 150g sugar For the filling: 2 cups of cream n.e. sugar Preparation: Grease the bottom of a springform pan. Preheat the oven to 170°C. Mix the sugar with the egg yolks until … Read more

Enjoy your happy cake recipe, without flour

Ingredients: 2 rolls of puff pastry (270 g each, in the refrigerator) 300g sugar 1kg strawberries 2 tbsp powdered sugar and some for dusting 700 g double cream cheese 500 g whole milk yogurt 2 packs of gelatin – fix 400 g whipped cream Preparation: Preheat the oven to 200 degrees (fan oven: 180 degrees). … Read more

Gingerbread apple cake recipe

Ingredients: 4 egg(s) 120g sugar 90g flour ½ tsp gingerbread spice ½ pack of baking powder 10 g cocoa powder 600 g apples, cleaned and peeled, weighed 350 ml apple juice 4 tbsp apple juice (take away from the 350 ml) 1 pack pudding powder, for cooking, vanilla flavor 5 sheets of gelatin, white 1 … Read more

Chocolate raspberry cake recipe

INGREDIENTS: For the dough: 150g chocolate 150g butter 100g sugar 1 pack vanilla sugar 1 pinch(s) of salt 6 egg(s) 100g flour 50 g cornstarch 1 teaspoon Baking powder For the cream: (chocolate cream) 300g whipped cream 200g chocolate For the cream: (raspberry cream) 150 g raspberries, pureed 100g raspberries 250 g whipped cream 2 … Read more

Super creamy yogurt cake without flour recipe

Ingredients: Zest from a large organic lemon Pulp of a vanilla bean 1 tsp cream of tartar baking powder 5 eggs 120 g xylitol or other sugar substitute 450 g Greek yogurt 100 g pudding powder Preparation: First preheat the oven to 180 degrees top and bottom heat. Now line a square baking pan with … Read more

No-bake Nutella cake recipe, Simply Yummy!

Ingredients: For the cake base: 250 g cocoa butter biscuits 40g butter 100 ml peach juice 30 g powder for making hot chocolate For the white cream: 250g mascarpone 50g powdered sugar 250 ml whipped cream For the brown cream: 250 ml cream 250g mascarpone 150g Nutella For the chocolate icing: 150g chocolate 150 ml … Read more

Chocolate cake like in Mccafé recipe

Ingredients: 200g margarine 100 g dark chocolate (at least 50% cocoa), high quality, grated 100g milk chocolate 200g sugar 4 m.-sized egg(s) 200 g almond(s), ground 1 pack of vanilla sugar 1 pack of baking powder 1 pinch(s) of salt 100g milk chocolate 70g cream 25 g palm fat Preparation: Melt the margarine and mix … Read more

Dutch chocolate cake recipe

Ingredients: Floor: 80g flour 2 tbsp cocoa 3 eggs (M) 55g sugar 20 ml oil half a pack of baking powder Cream: 1 pack of gelatin 120ml water 450 g cream 1 pack of vanilla sugar 120 g dark chocolate 120 g coconut chocolate 1 large cup of cream yogurt (500 ml) Glaze: 40 g … Read more

Ten-minute cheesecake recipe

Ingredients: Low-fat quark, natural or with fruit flavor 1 kg Soft wheat semolina 4 tbsp Eggs (M) 3 pieces Finest baking sugar (or alternatively xylitol or sweetener) 100 g Vanilla pudding powder 1 packet Zest and juice of 1/2 organic lemon Fruit of your choice 200 g Preparation: Grease a 20 cm Ø springform pan, … Read more