Castella chocolate cake is a delightful fusion of the traditional Japanese Castella cake, renowned for its soft and moist texture, and the rich indulgence of chocolate.

The cake batter is crafted with precision, blending together flour, sugar, eggs, and a hint of baking powder to create a smooth and silky mixture. Unlike traditional Western cakes, Castella cake typically does not contain butter or oil, relying instead on the natural richness of eggs for its luscious texture.

To elevate this classic recipe into a chocolate lover’s dream, rich cocoa powder is added to the batter, infusing it with a deep, intense chocolate flavor that is both decadent and irresistible. The cocoa powder is carefully sifted into the dry ingredients, ensuring a smooth and velvety texture that melts in the mouth with every bite.

As the batter is poured into the baking pan, it transforms into a glossy, chocolate-infused canvas, ready to be baked to perfection. The cake is then placed into the oven, where it undergoes a magical transformation, rising gracefully as it bakes, its intoxicating aroma filling the kitchen with the promise of sweet indulgence.

After a patient wait, the Castella chocolate cake emerges from the oven, its surface golden and glistening with temptation. As it cools, the cake settles into a tender crumb, its texture light and airy, yet irresistibly moist. Each slice reveals a symphony of flavors and textures, from the delicate sweetness of the cake itself to the rich intensity of the chocolate that permeates every bite.

With its simple yet sophisticated charm, Castella chocolate cake is a dessert that captivates the senses and delights the palate.


8 Eggs (separate them into whites and yolks)
60g low gluten flour (preferred)
60g corn flour (corn starch)
40g unsweetened cocoa powder

20g cornstarch
70g corn oil
140g dark chocolate chips
100g of fresh milk
4g lemon juice
1 pinch of salt
110g of Sugar


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