Carnival Chiacchiere: the original recipe with the tricks to make them crispy and full of bubbles

Chiacchiere are thin , crumbly and blistered fried pastries that, together with castagnole, are among the most popular and well-known Carnival desserts . They are widespread throughout Italy and have different names depending on the place where they are prepared: in Lazio they are called “frappé” , in Lombardy “cenci”, in Tuscany ” lie” , in Sicily ” gnocculi ” or ” scocche” , in Veneto “galani”, ” sfrappole ” in Emilia, cròstoli in Trentino and also lasagne , fiocchetti , beef and rags .
They are prepared from a simple dough of flour, sugar, butter and eggs, which is rolled into very thin sheets, which are then cut into the shape of a rectangle , fried in boiling oil and sprinkled with powdered sugar .
The recipe, which is of very ancient origins and probably dates back to the time of ancient Rome, varies from region to region: the main differences lie in the type of liquor used to flavor the dough and in the way the pastry is cut. Although most often the chiacchiere have a rectangular shape and the characteristic central cuts , in some cases they are in fact made in other shapes. In Piedmont, for example, lies are prepared, which differ from the classic chiacchiere for their small size, diamond shape and often also for the presence of a jam or chocolate filling.
Tradition dictates that they be fried, but you can also prepare delicious chiacchiere in the oven and even a more modern variant in an air fryer; however, whatever the preparation method, the perfect chiacchiere must be light, dry and bubbly: it must be crunchy when bitten but at the same time melt in the mouth.
Learn how to make Carnival Chiacchiere with Melissa Dolci . She shows us the original recipe and also shares some tricks to make them crumbly and not greasy, which will be the envy of the best pastry shops.
If you can’t resist these famous fried desserts, try the gluten-free version, the delicious chocolate cake and the savory version, ideal with cold cuts and cheese.


00 flour
200 gr
Egg at room temperature
egg yolk
Butter at room temperature
25 gr
20 gr
20 gr
To fry
Peanut seed oil
For garnishing
powdered sugar
You need them too
Rolling pin
High and spacious pot
Kitchen thermometer
How to prepare small talk

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