Caramel Apple Mini Cheesecakes!! Recipe


Prepare the Crust:
Preheat the oven to 325 degrees and line 12 muffin cups with liners, then spray the liners with non-stick spray.
Combine the graham crumbs, melted butter, and brown sugar, spooning a bit into each muffin cup liner and pressing it evenly at the bottom.

Prepare the Filling:
Using a stand mixer, cream the cream cheese, then add the Greek yogurt, egg, caramel sauce, brown sugar, vanilla, and cinnamon, mixing until smooth.
Spoon the cheesecake mixture evenly over the crusts in the muffin cups.

Prepare the Apples:
Peel, core, and dice the apples, mixing them with brown sugar and cinnamon, and set aside.

Prepare the Topping:
In a separate bowl, whisk together flour, brown sugar, rolled oats, and cinnamon, then use a pastry cutter to cut in the softened butter until the mixture is crumbly.
Spoon a bit of the apple mixture and topping into each muffin cup.

Bake and Chill:
Bake for 30 minutes, then chill for at least 2 hours. Garnish with whipped cream if desired.



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