Broccoli pesto: the recipe for creamy and versatile winter pesto

How to prepare broccoli pesto

Step 1
Wash the broccoli and cut out the florets1.
step 2
Blanch them in lightly salted water for about 3 minutes2.
step 3
Schoolchildren3and collect them in a bowl of ice water to keep the green alive.
Step 4
Remove them from the water immediately and place them on absorbent kitchen paper to dry4.
Step 5
Collect the florets together with the garlic in a food processor5 and chop coarsely.
Step 6
Add the almonds6.
Step 7
Continue adding the pine nuts7.
Step 8
Add Parmesan8.
Step 9
It smells of washed and well-dried basil9.
Step 10
Finally, finish with the oil10. Mix until a thick cream is obtained and add salt.
Step 11
The pesto is ready to enjoy. Pour it into a bowl or jar and place in the refrigerator until ready to use.



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