I present to you a delicious marbled brioche . Not only is it very pretty but it is also ultra soft and tasty!

In this recipe, I used an Asian method which allows you to have an ultra soft, stringy crumb and which allows the brioche to be kept much longer. In fact, I found it much softer and especially after 3 days it was just as delicious and not at all dry.

But what is Tanzhong?

This technique, kept secret for a long time, is quite old. It comes from Japan. It is often used for the preparation of yeast doughs. Indeed, this method provides lightness and the breads and brioches keep for a very long time.

To do this, you will need to prepare the Tanzhong the day before. It is a mixture of water and flour cooked at 65°c.

Preparing marbled brioche takes quite a bit of time. But be aware that you can prepare it the day before, let it rise and degas it, then refrigerate it overnight and cook the next day. In addition, it will be better because the time left in the fridge will allow the brioche to develop all its aromas. For my part, I prepare it in the evening. I set a timer and watch a movie while the dough rises.

For the proofing chamber, I invite you to heat your oven to 30°c static heat or if this is not possible, to put a bowl of very hot water in the bottom of your oven.

If you notice that your dough is having trouble doubling in volume, it is either not hot enough or too hot. Indeed, baker’s yeast is a microorganism that fears extreme heat and drafts. Never exceed 40°C because beyond that you are sure that the yeast will be destroyed.


20 g of flour
100 g of water
Marbled brioche
430 g flour
150 g of soft butter

3 eggs
80 g of sugar
90 g of milk
8g dry yeast (or 16g fresh yeast )
9 g of salt
35 g of cocoa
2 tbsp of water


Pour the water and flour into a saucepan and cook over low heat no more than 65°c. The preparation should thicken and resemble a sort of glue. This step may take up to 20 minutes. Then reserve one night in the fridge.

Marbled brioche
The next day, pour the lukewarm milk into the mixer tank then dilute the yeast and incorporate 80 g of flour. You will get a very sticky dough. Add the remaining flour on top and do not mix the remaining flour.

Leave to grow for 20 to 30 minutes in a place at 38°C. After these few minutes, the leaven should come out and appear slightly.

Pour in the eggs, sugar and salt then using the hook mix to obtain a paste. Pour in the Tangzhong and knead the dough for 6 minutes at speed 1 then gradually add the soft butter while the mixer is running. Then increase the speed to 2 then knead for 20 to 30 minutes. At the end of kneading, your dough should have a sticky appearance.

Cover the bowl then leave to rise in a warm place not above 40°C between 1h15 and 1h30. The dough must double in volume.

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