Black Forest cherry slices

Cherry filling:

Drain the cherries (put 16 pieces aside for the decko) and collect the juice. Pour approx. 500 ml of juice into the mixing bowl, add cornstarch and heat for 3 minutes/100 degrees/level 2. Pour this thickened juice over the cherries and fold in. Allow to cool thoroughly.

Insert the mixing attachment. Pour the ice-cold cream into the cold mixing bowl. Beat until stiff without setting the time/level 3.5. After 20 seconds, pour the cream through the opening in the lid.
Soak the cake base with a little kirsch (optional)
Distribute the cherries on the cake base. Set aside some of the cream for the decking and spread the rest on the cherries. Sprinkle chocolate shavings on top. Divide the cake into 16 pieces and place a cream tuff on each piece and place a cherry on top



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